Proposals will soon be accepted for the 2024 conference. You will need to sign up for an account on TBD. Watch for the confirmation link sent to your email. Click the link in that email and you'll be directed to the submission form.
- Title of presentation: Maximum of 10 words.
- Presenter Information: Enter the primary presenter contact information here. Primary presenter curriculum vitae/resume or biographical sketch is also required and should be uploaded as an "Additional File" at the bottom of the Submission Form. The primary presenter is the designated point of contact and will receive all correspondence about the conference. This person is responsible for communicating with the conference coordinators and co-presenters.
- Additional presenter information (if applicable): Click the green + box to add more presenters
- Presentation Theme: Choose one of the following: Issues and Trends in Higher Education, Working with Faculty and Administration, Operating the Department, Leadership and Management, Faculty and Staff Leadership, or Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Compelling proposals that fall outside of these themes are also welcome, which can be included as 'Other.' Session Themes and Presentation Types.
- Presentation Type: Choose from the following: Interactive Workshop (105 min.), Best Practice Presentation (45 min.), or Lunch Discussion (30 Min.). A limited number of slots are available for each presentation type; reviewers will honor your selected presentation type wherever possible, although you may be asked to switch presentation type. Session Themes and Presentation Types
- Abstract: 25-50 words. If selected, the abstract you submit will become the basis for the session description in the conference program and on the website. Therefore, we recommend that you use a direct and active writing style that explains clearly what participants will learn during your session.
- Keywords: Five (5) keywords about your presentation. These are used to help participants search for sessions in the conference scheduling app.
- Creative Commons License: Select from the list of copyright licenses. Find out more about copyright permissions through Creative Commons here.
- Presentation Documents: For the purpose of your proposal, we suggest you upload a description of the session (300-500 words). You might also consider uploading a proceedings paper, a PowerPoint presentation, and/or workshop handouts if you have them. Include the relevance of the session to chairpersons, presentation focus, recommendations that will be made for chairpersons, and how the audience will be involved. Keep in mind that your proposal may be edited until approximately 2 months prior to the conference. You may choose to refine and expand on your proposal after you submit and are accepted to present. Be sure your proposal is compelling and includes adequate information to be selected, but it is not required to be a finished product at this point. Proposals submitted without any additional presentation documents are less likely to be selected.